Hit or Miss: Superheroes on TV?!

12:03 AM

 Today's topic: BINGE-WATCHING.

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This cartoon strip perfectly describes what I feel when I'm getting too interested or hung over with a series. "Just one more episode" I say, or "this will be the last for today" but I end up binge-watching the whole thing, and still feel like that! 

So recently, despite being busy and stressed with academic work, I still found some excuse to squeeze in some time to binge-watch American TV series but at the same time, still manage to go out with my family. It's been a while since the last time I binge-watched. Although school only began three weeks ago, I feel like I've been studying for half a term now. That's how bad school work is, or maybe because it's just now that I'm starting to feel the pressure from my major subjects.

BUT this entry isn't about me ranting about school work. I've come to realize how much this superhero franchise has become this big! Not only dominating the box office charts, but also prime time TV. These superhero movies has generated so much buzz and talks around town and creating a big hype even more when production companies announced superhero movie line-ups good for the next five years! 

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And while enjoying these movies on-screen, as mentioned, franchise companies has decided that it would be a great idea to penetrate cable TV. Honestly, I'm not a comic die-hard fan so being any other movie-goer, I was satisfied and pleased with just watching my fave heroes in cinemas. When The Arrow, the TV series came out, I thought I felt indifferent towards the show - well, more of "since when did superheroes had their own TV shows?" kind of feeling. I was already contented seeing them on the big screen or watching their animated series (yes, I admit to this one because my family is a big fan of superheroes and the reason why I grew fond of watching them). At first, I was convinced not to watch Arrow or any other live super hero series at that matter because I thought it would be too convoluted and even more, because crossovers are inevitable, but eventually, I ate my words and ended up even binge-watching the first season! But I kinda dropped it half-way because of Laurel Lance AKA Black Canary. I hate her character - it felt like the whole story was revolving around her because Oliver Green was too concerned, though I still managed to be kept updated through my dad (he practically spoiled the whole thing without me even asking). 

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Netflix's Daredevil and CW's The Flash, on the other hand, is a whole different story. My friends kept on recommending me to watch The Flash, that it's really good and no doubt I would enjoy binge-watching it, but I kept on making excuses that the series is still ongoing and I would wait for the whole series to be completed. Same goes for Daredevil, though I heard that the build up was too slow and it took him the whole season before he got his suit and established his name. But eventually, I gave in and here I am now, just finished watching Daredevil and The Flash in more or less three weekends and still not over with what happened.

Would you believe me when I say I was rooting for Wilson Fisk - the Kingpin - while watching Daredevil? I loved how Vincent D'Onofrio portrayed his own version of Fisk as a character. I really felt like I understood Fisk's intentions, how his actions justify his purpose of the protecting the city, and even more when Vanessa, his love interest, came into the scene. 

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Fisk's character interaction with Vanessa made me more sympathetic towards him and eventually, root for him, but of course, I don't agree with his methods of "having his own way" - the means don't justify the ends. This isn't the first time I'm rooting for the "bad" guy to win. Most of the anime I watch, I tend to like more of the bad characters (I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing but rest assured, I'm not into bad guys in real life HAHAHA). Nevertheless, it is inevitable for Fisk to be defeated by Daredevil but still, it was a good watch. 

Unlike The Arrow and Daredevil, The Flash is lighthearted and enjoyable with not so much convoluted plot twists but the season ender was really a cliff-hanger. You just have to wait for the next season. Definitely, I felt the suspense and his "name" was established early in the first few episodes which I think is a good point. Crossovers with The Arrow wasn't surprising since they introduced Barry Allen's character through the series. Felicity with Atom and Oliver Queen at different occasions, cameo-ed in three or four episodes and inevitably, Dr. Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen in The Arrow.

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One point I want to share though is that I'm not fond of the love line between Barry Allen and Iris West. I don't exactly know if they did end up together in the comics but I prefer they date someone else or just not end up with anyone in the series. Now that I think of it, every superhero has to have a leading lady. Well, can't take that away from them, can we?

So to keep me from writing anything else that might spoil you, I'll end it here! I hope this entry can somehow motivate you from watching them (or maybe if you're just as hesitant as me in the beginning, a little push would just do the trick). :)

Disclaimer: I'm no reviewer nor critic. Everything written are based on my opinions and  are purely subjective.

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