Fanfiction: Borrowed Ideas

5:26 AM

Have you ever felt this feeling after finishing a certain TV series or Kdrama (Korean Drama), you're just not yet satisfied - the feeling of "What that's it? What now?!" - that you want more? 

Source from Google Images
I'm sure everyone has experienced this at least once. Well, welcome to the world of fanfiction! Indulging in fan written stories (fanfiction) is a whole new world to get into - the world of which is sometimes, crazy and overwhelming yet a wonderful way to satisfy all the hanging "what ifs".

I remember the first time I was introduced to fanfiction. It was during high school when my friends who were really into anime finished watching Gauken Alice (Alice Academy), a popular must watch to their watch list and they can't stop shipping MikaXNatsume OTP (one true pairing). 

Natsume and Mikan from Gauken Alice (Alice Academy)
Source from Google Images
They were so into the show to the point, they aren't even contended with the happy ending. Despite the anime having a manga (comic) version, it was yet to be completed at that time, hence, their desperation, the discovery of alas! But for the record, this wasn't my first fanfic. Funny enough it was on Boys over Flowers' Yi Jung and Ga Eul, played by Kim Bum and Kim So Eun respectively. 

Kim Bum and Kim So Eun on Boys over Flowers
Source from Google Images
This is one of those cases where I got to like the supporting characters (couple) better than the protagonists. It felt like they didn't get enough screen time and I was wanting for more. There comes fanfiction to the rescue! (*Note: Because fans really began shipping this couple, the pair bagged a cellphone advertisement together though I kinda think it's fan service. Click this to check it out!)

So what does fanfiction really mean?

Source from Google Images
Fanfiction, sometimes called fanfic or FF for short, picks up where the "reality" of the show leaves off. This encompasses all types of shows - movies, TV series, anime or manga provide actual canon or the official truth or facts on which the work is based on. Canon may be set on a normal life or could be as fantastical as can be, giving the stories more plot twists and making it more complex. But honestly, this is the hardest part - writing the fanfic. I admire those writers who are able to express their imagination in writing, convey and share their ideas to the world. It could be as grounded and as loyal to the original show - "loyal to the canon" - and more so if it isn't the sky's the limit and imagination is the only boundary.

To dwell on this topic more, get started with a  help of a quick cheat-sheet below on what to remember!

AU (Alternate Universe)
It is one of the popular categories of fanfiction wherein the "universe" was changed - meaning characters are brought to a completely different world and/or timeline or transforming them into different species. For example, Benedict Cumberbatch as an 18th century prince or My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox's Gumiho became Justin Bieber's girlfriend.

A/N (author's note)
It's a disclaimer, explanation or preface from the author usually at the begining or end of the written work.

Genre with a heavy depressing, emotional, hurt-heavy themes as characters experience suffering, depression, break-ups or death.

Beta (beta-read, beta-reader)
It is to edit or comment on someone's work; or one who does the editing or commenting as requested by the work's author.

C&C (comments & criticism)
This pertains to the readers feedback, usually placed at the end of every chapter or section.

Collab (short for collaboration)
Basically, a fanfiction written in installments of different authors (a story written and divided among two or more authors)

A genre wherein fanfic interacts or straddles between two different universe (two complete different series/characters/worlds) or fandoms

These are short vignettes (more or less around 100 words only) usually written in POVs (most of the time first POV) for the author just to express his thoughts and ideas on the topic.

This is a light-hearted genre and feel good themed stories. Stories revolving around sweet nothings and courtings usually.

OC (original character)
A fanficion created with an orginal character created by the author.

OOC (out of character)
Fanfiction characters undergo a complete turn of personality or attitude (behaving differently, non-canon way)

OTP (one true pairing)
This is what you call your ultimate bias or favorite pairing of all time regardless whether canon or not. *In my case, my first OTP would be Yi Jung and Ga Eul from Boys of Flowers*

Authors would rate their work according to content or theme of their work, ranging from G to NC-17 (mature) - in's case, from K to M.

RPF (real person fiction)
Stories about real people and how they are paired up

R&R (read and review/rate and review)
A call for an R&R are usually noted at the A/N either at the beginning or end of their work.

Ship, shipping 
(short for "relationship","relationship-ping")
Author or story's main romantic bias with a fan couple name together (i.e. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Brangelina)

So now you know the 101's of fanfiction, go ahead and try reading one!

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